
Tempress Fish-On 6″ Rod Holder Extension 2 Pack

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SKU: PET-1225G.1 Categories: ,


Pettit Seamate Antifouling Bottom Paint

Seamate offers solid seasonal control of all types of fouling and is ideal for general boat yard use as well as for workboats, commercial fisherman. A perfect choice when dependable yet economical protection is desired. Seamate permits easy application to properly prepared fiberglass , wood, steel and previously applied coatings. By leaching and washing away, paint buildup from year to year will be very slight and the surface can be easily cleaned. Seamate’s innovative quick drying formula provides for same-day launching.


  • Advanced Tri-Polymer technology
  • Apply over any bottom paint
  • Ablative surface eliminates sanding and paint build up
  • Solid seasonal antifouling protection
  • Easy application and surface cleaning
  • 25% copper load compares to Bottomkote Pro and Bottomkote NT

Colors Available:

  • Blue
  • Red
  • Black


  • Finish: Eggshell
  • Components: One
  • Coverage: 450 sq. ft/gal.
  • Number of Coats: 2 or 3

How To Apply

APPLICATION DATA METHOD: Brush, Roller, Airless or Conventional Spray


DRY FILM THICKNESS PER COAT:1.5 mils (2.9 wet mils)

COVERAGE: 450 sq. ft/gal.


THINNER: 120 Brushing Thinner


Temp To Touch To Recoat To Launch
95F HR 1 HR 2HR
73F HR 3HR 4HR
50F HR 24HR 48HR

Maximum dry time before launch is 7 days @ 70F. If the boat is hauled during the season, Seamate will loose its effectiveness if left out of water longer than three days.

PREVIOUSLY PAINTED SURFACES: If the previous coating is in good condition, thoroughly sand with 80-120 grit production paper and wipe clean with a rag dampened with Pettit 120 Brushing Thinner to remove sanding residue. Apply two coats of Seamate observing the proper dry times. If the previous coating is in poor condition, remove to the bare surface by sanding or using Pettit 9051 Bio Blast Paint Remover. Proceed with the appropriate bare system as described below. Old tin copolymer paints must be removed or may be sealed with Pettit 6627 Tie Coat Primer before applying Seamate.

BARE FIBERGLASS: All bare berglass, regardless of age, must be thoroughly cleaned using Pettit 95 Fiberglass Dewaxer and clean lint-free rags. Several cleanings may be necessary to ensure complete removal of contaminants. Change rags frequently during the dewaxing/cleaning process to ensure complete removal of contaminants rather than merely smearing them on the surface. New boats must be scrubbed with a detergent and water solution and rinsed with fresh water prior to dewaxing. After the surface has been dewaxed, sand it thoroughly with 80 grit production paper and rewash the sanded surfaces with Pettit 95 Dewaxer or 120 Brushing Thinner to remove sanding residue. Apply two coats of Seamate observing the proper dry times. If sanding is prohibited, as with certain vinyl-ester gelcoats, or is otherwise impractical, make sure the surface has been completely and thoroughly dewaxed and cleaned with Pettit 95 Fiberglass Dewaxer. Then apply one, thin, continuous coat of Pettit 6999 Sandless Primer. Topcoat with two coats of Seamate carefully following the topcoating instructions on the Sandless Primer label. If the gelcoat is crazed or spider-cracked, sand the gelcoat with 80-120 grit paper to a dull, frosty nish; wipe clean with Pettit 120 Brushing Thinner. Follow with a coat of 4700/4701 High Build Epoxy Primer; allow to dry overnight, sand with 80 grit paper and solvent clean before the application of Seamate.

BARE FERROCEMENT: Apply a full coat of 4700/4701 High Build Epoxy Primer; after an overnight dry, sand well with 80 grit paper then solvent clean. Apply two nish coats of Seamate.

BARE WOOD: Sand the entire surface with 80 grit production paper and wipe clean with a rag dampened with Pettit 120 Brushing Thinner. Apply a coat of Seamate thinned 25% with 120 Brushing Thinner to penetrate and seal the wood. Fill any open seams with Pettit Seam Compound (7110 White or 7610 Mahogany) and allow to dry overnight. Apply two full coats of Seamate observing the proper dry times.

STEEL HULLS: Sandblast to SSPC-SP 6 commercial blast, blow off residue with clean, compressed air, and immediately apply the rst of three coats of 4700/4701 following application and recoat instructions. Alternatively, hand sand with 80 grit sandpaper or power hand tool clean, then remove residue with clean compressed air or clean, solvent dampened rags. Immediately apply one coat of Pettit 6980 Rustlok Steel Primer and let dry to a tack free state (usually 30 minutes to 2 hours, dependent on temperature). Then apply two coats of 4700/ 4701 High Build Epoxy Primer following application and recoat instructions. Apply two coats of Seamate.

KEELS – LEAD: Abrade surface to bright metal; wipe clean using Pettit 120 Brushing Thinner. Apply one thin coat of 6455/044 Metal Primer; allow to dry two hours. Apply one coat of Pettit 6627 Tie Coat Primer then, if fairing is required, apply Epoxy Fairing Compound. Follow with an additional coat of 6627 Tie Coat Primer per label directions. Apply two nish coats of Seamate.

KEELS – STEELOR CAST IRON: Abrade surface to bright metal; wipe clean using Pettit 120 Brushing Thinner. Apply one coat of 6980 Rustlok Steel Primer, allowing to dry only 1 – 2 hours prior to overcoating. Then, if fairing is required, apply Epoxy Fairing Compound followed by one coat of Pettit 6627 Tie Coat Primer. Apply two nish coats of Seamate.


APPLICATION INFORMATION: Seamate contains cuprous oxide. As a result of this there is a tendency for settling to occur, especially if the paint has been on the shelf for several months. It is necessary to thoroughly mix the paint before using. If possible shake the can of paint on a mechanical shaker. Before using check the sides and bottom of the can to make sure all the pigment has been mixed in. If mixing is going to be done with a wooden paddle or an electric drill mixer, pour off half of the liquid from the top of the can into another can and then properly mix in any settled pigment; then remix the two parts together thoroughly. Adhere to all application instructions, precautions, conditions and limitations to obtain optimum performance. Refer to individual labels and tech sheets for detailed instructions when using associated products, etc. Do not thin Seamate more than 10% (12 ounces per gallon) or inadequate paint lm thickness will occur and premature erosion of the nish will be likely. Coating performance, in general, is proportional to the degree of surface preparation. Follow recommendations carefully, avoiding shortcuts. Inadequate preparation of surfaces will virtually assure inadequate coating performance. No antifouling paint can be effective under all conditions of exposure. Man made pollution and natural occurrences can adversely affect antifouling paint performance. Extreme hot and cold water temperatures, silt, dirt, oil, brackish water and even electrolysis can ruin an antifouling paint. Therefore, we strongly suggest that the bottom of the boat be checked regularly to make sure it is clean and that no growth is occurring. Lightly scrub the bottom with a soft brush to remove anything from the antifouling paint surface. Scrubbing is particularly important with boats that are idle for extended periods of time. The coating is most effective when the boat is used periodically.

ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS: 95 Fiberglass Dewaxer; 4700/4701 High Build Epoxy Primer; 6455/044 Metal Primer; 6627 Tie-Coat Primer; 6999 Sandless Primer; 6980 Rustlok Primer

How to Apply

California Residents:
Cancer and Reproductive Harm –

Other Details

Google Product Type:
Paint Type:
Ablative Antifouling
Number of Seasons:
Single Season
Antifouling Type:
Copper Based
Hull Material:
Fiberglass, Steel, Wood
Water Type:
Brackish Water, Fresh Water, Salt Water
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