
Regal 2400 Sterndrive Ultima Boat Cover 2002-2008

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SKU: PET-V-975Q Categories: ,


Pettit Captain’s Satin Sheen Varnish- Quart

Captain’s Satin Sheen Varnish is specifically designed to enhance the beauty of interior woodwork with its soft, satin finish. Its pale, durable, long lasting polyurethane coat is water and alcohol-resistant. Satin Sheen is easy to apply and is intended for interior use only. A satin sheen finish eliminates many imperfections and is very pleasing to the eye. This long-lasting finish is designed specifically for the rigors of a boat’s interior.Captain’s Satin Sheen Varnish is preferred by those professionals and do-it-yourselfers who derive pride and pleasure from quality brightwork.


  • Fast Drying
  • Extremely durable finish
  • Easy to apply
  • Traditional warm, amber color
  • Long lasting satin finish

Associated Products

  • 120 Thinner -For brushing and clean up CLICK HERE
  • 121 Thinner -Spraying ApplicationCLICK HERE


  • Coverage: 440 sq. ft/gal.
  • Method: Brush, roller or spray
  • Number of Coats: Bare Wood: 3 minimum | Exisitng Varnish: 2 minimum

How to Apply


Application Method: Brush, Roller or Spray

Number of Coats: Bare Wood: 3 minimum | Existing Varnish: 2 minimum

Application Temp: 40F Minimum | 90F Maximum

Thinners: 120 Brushing Thinner | 121 Spraying Thinner

Coverage: 440 sq. ft. /gal.


Temperature Set-to-Touch Tack Free Dry Hard
90F 1/2 – 1 hrs 1-2 hrs 8-12 hrs
70F 1-2 hrs 2-4hrs 12-20 hrs
50F 2-4 hrs 4-8 hrs 24/48 hrs


Bare Wood

  • Sand surface completely smooth with 180-320 grit production paper. Wipe surface to remove sanding residue with a tack rag or rag dampened with Pettit 120 Brushing Thinner.
  • For new work on open grained wood such as mahogany, oak, ash, ect. The use of Pettit or Z-Spar Paste Wood Filler Stain is required to achieve a smooth finish. Let dry overnight.
  • For new work on close grained woods such as pine, maple, spruce, ect. The use of Pettit or Z-Spar Paste Wood Filler Stain is not normally required.
  • Apply a generous covering coat of Pettit 2018 EZ WoodSealer and let it dry overnight. Sand thoroughly with 220 grit sandpaper.
  • On especially rough or porous wood, a second coat of 2018 EZ WoodSealer may be applied. If applied, sand the second coat as well and wipe the surface clean with a tack rag or rag dampened with Pettit 120 Brushing Thinner.
  • Apply at least 3 coats of Z-Spar Satin Varnish (Captains Satin Sheet Varnish). Let each coat dry overnight, sand with 220 grit sandpaper, and clean off sanding residue with a tack rag before applying the next coat.
  • Sand the next to last coat with 400 grit production paper and clean off sanding residue before applying the final coat.

Varnished Wood

In Good Condition

  • Wipe old varnish with Pettit 120 Brushing Thinner to be sure all dirt, polish and/or grease has been removed.
  • Thoroughly sand the existing varnish with 180-220 grit production paper and wipe clean.
  • Apply at least 2 coats of Z-Spar Satin Varnish (Captains Satin Sheet Varnish). Let the first coat dry overnight, sand with 400 grit sandpaper, clean off sanding residue then apply the final coat.

In Poor Condition

  • Remove all the old varnish with a paint and varnish remover, or by sanding.
  • Bleach the wood if necessary to remove water stains.
  • Proceed with the system for bare wood shown above.

Bare Teak (or other oily woods)

  • Sand the wood smooth with 120 grit production paper to open up the grain. Wipe the surface thoroughly with Pettit 120 Brushing Thinner in order to remove as much oil as possible.
  • Apply a generous coat of Pettit 2018 EZ WoodSealer. Allow to dry overnight, then lightly sand the surface with 220 grit sandpaper and wipe it with a rag dampened with Pettit 120 Brushing Thinner.
  • Apply at least 3 coats of Z-Spar Satin Varnish (Captains Satin Sheet Varnish). Let each coat dry overnight, sand with 220 grit sandpaper, and clean off sanding residue with a tack rag before applying the next coat.
  • Sand the next to last coat with 400 grit production paper and clean off sanding residue before applying the final coat.


  • Do not shake varnish. Stir well.

Information sourced from the Pettit Z-Spar Satin Varnish Satin Sheen Interior Varnish Technical Bulletin

How to Apply

California Residents:
Cancer and Reproductive Harm –

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